

Trust and openness are the pillars of our partnerships and relationships

Our core business is with private customers who want the assets entrusted to us to be managed on an individual and personal basis

Independent, conventional asset management, investment advice

Independent investment philosophy with a long-term bias

Unless specifically requested by the customer, we do not buy structured products and investment funds

Fast and dependable processing of customer orders


Roland Zumbühl

Chairman of the Management Board & Partner
Experience in the branch since 1987

Telefon: +41 58 680 59 51

Roger Bender

Roger Bender

Member of the Management Board & Partner
Experience in the branch since 1988

Telefon: +41 58 680 59 53

Daniel Vögtli

Member of the Management Board & Partner
Experience in the branch since 1981

Telefon: +41 58 680 59 55



Attractive fee models with custodian banks

Transparent asset management fees

Reasonable fees for investment advice

We accept no retrocessions and compensation whatsoever from custodian banks

Transparent and readily understandable at all times

Zahlen und Fakten

Facts and figures

Founded in:2018
Share capital:CHF 100,000
divided into 100 registered shares
Board of Directors:Vivien Jain (Aquila Ltd.)
Daniel Vögtli
Roger Bender
Roland Zumbühl
Aquila AG

Aquila Ltd.

The Aquila-platform is an association of Swiss asset management companies (partners).

As a bank, Aquila Ltd. is subject to supervision by FINMA.



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Investment news


amahoro ag
Hornergasse 10
CH-8001 Zürich

Telefon+41 58 680 59 50
Telefax+41 58 680 59 59


From the main railway station, take the Löwenstrasse direction. You will reach us after a five minutes’ walk between Löwenstrasse and Uraniastrasse.

From the Rennweg or Löwenplatz stop, you will reach us after a three minutes’ walk between Uraniastrasse and Löwenstrasse.

From “City Parkhaus” at Gessnerallee 14, 8001 Zurich or “Parkaus Jelmoli” at Steinmühleplatz 1, 8001 Zurich you will reach us after a one minute walk between Uraniastrasse and Löwenstrasse.